Improve lives. Reinvent organizations. Change the world.

We provide consultancy services and funding to make your startup dreams come true.

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Civeta Investment in numbers

Number of funded seed startup

Number of unicorns in our portfolio (we only invest in seed and pre-seed stage)

Millions of users positively impacted by some of the top startups we support

We provide funding for your startup

Think you are crazy? We are too. We have provided seed and pre-seed funding in a wide variety of digital startups.

We also provide consultancy services for your startup

Business model development, web design, UX consultancy, branding, social media marketing, data analysis, conversión analysis, legal consultancy and much more.

Civeta in Expansion

“The most active (investors) in venture capital were, among others, Connector Startup, Civeta Investments, SeedRocket, Business Booster, Wayra or Plug and Play, all of them aimed at boosting technology projects” (Expansión, 2014)

Civeta in Venture Watch

“Special attention is required for Sitka Capital and Civeta Investment which have had an amazing year” (Barrera, 2015)

Are you a corporation? We partner with corporations too

We offer deal-flow agreements, consultancy services and much more. Oh! You may also be able to offer your services and products to our portfolio of invested companies. We want to help our portfolio as much as we possibly can!

The Fish

Asosiacion Española de FinTech e Insurtech
